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  • XP Computer    Running Windows XP Threatens Your Computer’s Security

    By using a computer running Windows XP, it is no longer a question of IF your computer will experience technical problems, but WHEN. Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft, making it very susceptible to security risks and viruses. 

    “If you continue to use Windows XP without XP support, your computer may still work but will become vulnerable to security risks and viruses. And as more software and hardware manufacturers continue to optimize for more recent versions of Windows, a greater number of programs and devices like cameras and printers won’t work with Windows XP.” 

    - Microsoft

    How do I know if my computer is running XP?
    Many shops are still running XP. To see if your computer is running XP, just click here.

    What happens if I continue to use Windows XP?
    For your computer systems to continue to run without interruption, it is ESSENTIAL that you migrate to a current operating system. Continuing use of Windows XP makes your shop vulnerable to security risks and viruses, and at some point DovePlus will no longer work.

    How do I stay protected?
    Microsoft recommends that you upgrade to a more current version of Windows, or purchase a new computer that is capable of running the current version of Windows.

    Find more information on Windows XP at 

    Questions? Call 800.720.9410 for help.

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