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    Become a Teleflora Partner today!

    To join or if you have questions, you can contact us at 800.421.2815 (option 4) or submit this short form . 

    Our best-in-class technologies, including our award-winning POS and web-hosting solutions, are built to run your business efficiently – connecting you with consumers and the largest network of florists. We invest heavily in robust national consumer advertising campaigns and develop unique and effective marketing programs and products – all to help you acquire and retain new customers. We have industry-leading experience and knowledge, and are always available with the support you need – allowing you to stay focused on your business. With over 80 years of partnership with florists, we are 100% committed to ensuring that every single order in our network goes to a local florist.

    For more on how Teleflora can help your business grow, please review the Benefits of Partnership.

    Additional Benefits of Membership include access to the following:

    • Credit Card Processing - Teleflora offers an easy to understand, 0% credit card plan created exclusively for florists which provides the benefits you need at minimal cost
    • Dove Network® - The largest communications network and best coverage in the industry providing more endpoints than any other wire service
    • eFlorist - The industry's leading web hosting and marketing program offering florists a simple, affordable way to capture your part of the growing online flower business with the most robust, secure online purchasing capability available
    • - Teleflora's industry leading consumer online florist directory with over 225,000 flower buyers a month generating 100% orders for you and keeping thousands of orders within the industry which might have been lost to competitors with non-floral products
    • Holiday Co-op - Teleflora invests millions of dollars in national advertising to promote products during key holiday periods in prominent national magazines and coupon vehicles
    • Keepsakes & Marketing Kits - From the company that created "flowers-in-a-gift," Teleflora offers unique keepsake products that create more demand for flowers and inspire customers to visit your shop
    • Marketing Support - Professionally prepared sales pieces from calendars to seasonal floral guides allow customers to browse at their leisure, driving orders to you
    • Member Directory - Generates millions of orders a year for our partners while helping to market them year-round
    • - Teleflora's membership website is the best place for partners to access up-to-date information on Teleflora products and services including immediate access to credit card and eFlorist statistics, technology webinars, online bill payment and much more
    • Presidents Club & National Accounts - Programs rewarding your success and loyalty
    • FlowerBuyer - North America’s only Online Flower Auction gives you access to farm direct flowers at rock bottom prices! We source only the best flowers from the best growers in the world and offer a large selection of everyday, seasonal, mixed, and high-end floral products. Log-on to today to explore our flowers for as little as $0.01/stem!
    • Technology Products - The industry's best technology products, including Dove POS, designed to automate all of your transactions, increase productivity and profitability while building relationships with your customers through effective marketing programs
    • Teleflora International - Teleflora's international program provides the fastest, easiest, most cost-effective and reliable international delivery service in the the industry
    • Teleflora Scholarship Academy - Teleflora brings education to florists in their local communities through the Teleflora Scholarship Academy and the Unit Program, providing education on design, marketing and business.
    • Unit Programs - Teleflora also offers the only Unit Programs in the industry which provide industry leading training and networking opportunities.
    • 24 Hour Flowers - Teleflora's affordable, hassle-free answering service allows your shop to take orders, even when you can't answer the phone

    Click here to download the Membership Benefits Brochure.

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