Teleflora Services
For more information on the services that Teleflora offers florists, please click on the links below or call your local Territory Sales Manager.
Dove Network®
- The Dove Network is the largest communications network and wire service in the floral industry connecting over 15,000 member florists.
eFlorist Program Information
- The eFlorist Program is a full-service, ecommerce-enabled website and marketing program offering florists an easy and cost-efficient way to capture online flower sales. Teleflora offers secure website hosting and your eFlorist websites is fully customizable.
-, helps you, the local florist, capture your share of the growing number of online flower sales. A cost-effective, hassle-free solution to drive customers to your website and provide your shop with more orders.
Credit Card Processing Services
- Teleflora’s Standard Program simplifies credit card processing by offering straightforward plans featuring low, fixed rates on all major credit cards. And like all our plans, there are no hidden fees or obligations. We offer our low monthly payment plans and incentive programs, giving you the ability to purchase and own your own equipment.
24 Hour Flowers
- Teleflora's 24 Hour Flowers phone service offers the highest answering standards in the industry, providing live phone coverage by trained floral sales consultants who understand the floral business.
- DovePlus is Internet-based Dove Network that enables floral shops to send and receive orders over a high-speed Internet connection instead of a phone line.
- Offers a variety of ways to buy and save on your wholesale flowers. From Auctions where you can bid on flowers for as little as $0.01 per stem, to Buy The Bunch which allows huge savings on small flower orders with the convenience of next day shipping – you won’t need to go anywhere else! Flowers
- Teleflora has over 15,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada, with an additional 20,000 affiliated florists outside North America. has been connecting customers with the nation's best florists for more than 82 years. Consumers select beautiful florist-delivered products by investing in the most modern technology, seeking continuous innovation and improvement in services. All orders are filled by a Teleflora member florist.