My Teleflora
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Teleflora Services  

  • Teleflora's point of sale system designed just for florists
    Dove POS, the florist point of sale system, is designed to maximize your floral shop's efficiency and profitability. It is easy to use and scalable, so it can be customized for your shop's individual needs. It should come as no surprise that Dove POS is #1 with florists.
    Dove POS is mobile. Place and track orders from anywhere on your tablet or smartphone.
    Automatic integration. Dove POS automatically integrates with your eFlorist website, eliminating redundancy. There's no need to rekey orders.
    Marketing made simple. Dove POS allows you to generate emails and create postcards to send to your customers with just a few easy clicks.
    Training and tech support. One-on-one training is offered to all Dove POS system owners. And our highly trained, U.S.-based tech support is available to answer any questions by phone or email.
    "I can't express how happy I am now that we have the Dove POS system up and working. I would recommend Dove POS for any size shop that NEEDS to know how their business is doing, rather than guessing."

    — Tom Smith
    Foley's Florist & Gifts, Berea, KY
    Scalable by size and feature for any floral shop
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