To help you, the local florist, capture your
share of the growing number of online flower sales, Teleflora offers findaflorist.com - a cost-effective, hassle-free solution to drive customers to your website and provide you with more 100% orders.
Teleflora's findaflorist.com gives you:
- A direct connection to consumers who are ready to purchase flowers
- The chance to capture new customers who you can then remarket to and create loyal clients
- More 100% orders because findaflorist.com links directly to your website
- The opportunity to stand out from other florist listings in your area through preferred placement with Platinum and Gold packages
Why should you take advantage of findaflorist.com?
- Over 30% of wire orders are Internet-generated
- Some consumers prefer to browse and compare products online, then place an order by phone - findaflorist.com provides easy access to your shop's contact information
- Online customers want their flowers designed by the florist closest to their delivery address - findaflorist.com helps them find you quickly and easily
findaflorist.com's clean and fresh design is easy to use for the shopper and creates a seamless experience on mobile and desktop alike. Designed to be highly visible in search engines so that when a flower buyer uses a search engine (such as Google)
to search for a local florist, your findaflorist.com listing will be an additional and valuable result to help your shop stand out in search.
To learn more about this program and pricing, click here.
To set up your findaflorist listing, please complete the Quick Enrollment Form.
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