800.720.9407 for more information |
Teleflora's point of sale system designed just for florists |
RTI, the top-of-the-line florist point of sale system, is designed to maximize your floral shop's efficiency and profitability. It is easy to use and scalable, so it can be customized for your shop's individual needs. It should come as no surprise that RTI is the floral industry's premier solution for larger shops and for shops with multi-locations. |
"RTI is much more than a point-of-sale solution. It is a comprehensive platform of robust tools that streamlines all aspects of our retail operation, including marketing, sales, inventory, design, delivery, accounts receivable and advanced reporting. My favorite features are custom-defined alerts and action queues plus integration with our website, branch stores, wire networks, delivery vehicles and mobile employees."
— Chris Drummond
President, Penny's by Plaza Flowers
Locations in Philadelphia & Suburbs
Automatic integration. RTI automatically integrates with your eFlorist website, eliminating redundancy. There's no need to rekey orders. |
Customizable features. RTI has powerful features that you can customize for your shop, such as, Simplified Inventory, Design Manager, SMS Texting, Floral Prodigy, Phone System Integration, and more! |
Training and tech support. One-on-one training is offered to all RTI system owners. And our highly trained, U.S.-based tech support is available to answer any questions by phone or email.
Marketing made simple. RTI allows you to generate emails and create postcards to send to your customers with just a few easy clicks. |
Scalable by size and feature for any floral shop |
800.720.9407 for more information | |
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