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  • Oklahoma Education Center - 2011 Business Smarts Summit

    Photos from the 2011 Business Smarts Summit led by Paul Goodman CPA & Marie Ackerman AIFD PFCI AAF. 

    Business Smarts Summit 

    Business Smarts Summit 


    Business Smarts Summit: Operating a Successful Retail Flower Shop

    Designed for the new flower shop owner/manager or someone who has been in business for a few years but is looking for some new insights this innovative workshop will teach you to work smarter – not harder. Learn how to manage the day-to-day business of your shop – including your online presence - and run a more professional business. Taught by a team of floral and technology experts and some special guests, this class will give you practical insights and a fresh perspective on managing your business. Designed to be a stimulating interactive experience, you’ll participate in sessions that will have you exchanging ideas at round table discussions, establishing goals for your business, understanding the financial part of the business and learning ideas on being prepared for the holidays. 


     Paul Goodman  Paul Goodman is a certified public accountant and President of Floral Finance Business Services. He has authored a book called the Profit Minded Florist and writes the monthly newsletter for Teleflora Members called “Floral Finance.”   Marie Ackerman 2012  Marie Ackerman AIFD PFCI AAF of Oklahoma City, OK is a former retail florist who currently is a sought after motivational speaker and educator. She has managed the Teleflora Education Center in Oklahoma City for the last 25 years.  


     Click here to find the current 2012 Class Schedule. 

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