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  • Lesson 6: Regional Set Pieces – Gates Ajar 

    sympathy gateSize: "Gates Ajar" can be created in sizes ranging from tabletop to life-size versions. Pre-made bases are available from your local wholesaler.

    Base: An alternate construction method includes creating a base of plywood or plastic foam, an archway to surround and support the two gate sections which should be open. (See illustration.) The gates can be made of plastic foam, metal or wood and are usually gold in color. On a smaller scale the gates can be made with chenille stems.

    Flower and foliage application: The archway of the gates can be covered with flowers. The flowers are inserted with pins or wood picks. The archway can also be covered in foliage, accented with flowers. The design's base is covered with moss and stones, accented with flowers. Using floral foam cages mounted to the base, flowers are added in a vegetative fashion.

    Finishing: The back of the design is covered with foliage to conceal mechanics.  When designing a "Gates Ajar" on a larger scale, consider renting the base to the customer. The base can then be returned after the services.

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