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  • Oklahoma Education Center - 2011 Distinctive Designing with Tropicals

    Photos from the 2011 Distinctive Designing with Tropicals led by John Hosek AIFD PFCI.

    Tropical Designs 

    Tropical Designs 

    Tropical Designs 

    Distinctive Designing with Tropicals

    Capture the excitement in the marketplace for all things tropical – protea, heliconia, anthurium and orchids are just some of the new “it flowers” customers are looking for in their designs for everyday sending, event and party work. But if you have ever been scared about how to balance the heavy stem of a heliconia in a design – this class will give you hands-on experience working with these materials. You’ll learn how-to techniques, new varieties and exciting design styles for these distinctive flowers and exotic foliage tricks to make your designs remarkable. You’ll also see how to use everyday flowers in combination with tropicals to make your designs cost effective and fun!

     John Hosek   John Hosek AIFD PFCI of Verona, Wisconsin is co owner of Design Circle – an event company. His knowledge and passion for the industry has taken him across the world teaching design in Australia, England and across North America. John has also been on the design team for the Academy Awards from 2002 to 2009.  


    Click here to find the current 2012 Class Schedule. 

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