My Teleflora
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    Dear Valued Teleflora Partner,

    We are in unique and unprecedented times. As we are all aware, the news and impacts of COVID-19 are very fluid and changing daily. We know that the coronavirus is causing disruption and anxiety, not just for the economy and the community, but for you personally.

    Teleflora stands with our florists and the industry. We are IN THIS TOGETHER and remain fully committed to retail florists in this time of uncertainty. As a leader in the floral industry we believe the time to act is now. Teleflora is immediately committing $5 million to benefit Teleflora Member Florists, starting with two Teleflora Economic Support measures, and will continue to monitor and evaluate the impacts of COVID-19 on our industry.

    Teleflora Economic Support Program

    - On the March billing statement every Teleflora Florist will receive a $200 credit on their membership statement.
    - Effective for the next 30 days, Teleflora will waive the 7% order commission and florists will receive 80% filling commission on every order from

    We understand some communities and florists will be hit harder than others and we stand ready to provide support on a case-by-case basis in extenuating circumstances. We also expect to roll out other policies, programs or credits for our Teleflora florist members as this highly fluid situation continues to evolve. We understand events have impacted every florist to some degree, but we also know florists are resilient in their efforts to navigate through a challenge. In fact, despite the current extreme adversity we face across the nation, a vast majority of Teleflora Florists are open for business and delivering orders.

    As you continue to conduct business with your customers, we’d like to remind you of a couple suggestions we’ve made regarding your own communications:

    - Emphasize Safety. Reiterate your commitment to the safety of your customers and staff. Consider mentioning federal, state, and local authorities you’re closely monitoring.
    - Highlight Your Anticipated Hours and Available Services. Clearly lay out your hours by day, whether you will be open for walk-ins or just phone business, and how best to get in touch with you.

    In addition, we expect various federal, state or local agencies will be stepping up to provide support to small businesses. We will help monitor any such programs that we believe relate to florists, and will try to make you aware of those as soon as we become aware. We would encourage you to monitor such programs directly as best you can.

    We know that many florists are concerned with what the future holds and how the next few weeks will impact their lives and businesses. This is a very challenging time for our business also, however, we remain confident in our future and committed to supporting you through these unprecedented times. Even during this uncertain time, we continue to invest in POS, eFlorist, and additional order driving services for our many florists and are diligently preparing for Mother’s Day. We are thankful to be part of the floral community and are privileged to serve you. We want to reiterate our commitment to the safety and well-being of our many florist partners, your employees and the Teleflora family. Stay safe and healthy.

    Jeff Bennett

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