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  • Travels with Tom 2006-2007


     Aebersold Florist
    Aebersold Florist, New Albany, IN - Shop's 100th Anniversary L-R: Daughter & Mgr. Lara Collett; Dave Aebersold, Lara Aebersold, Tom Butler

    Graves 2
    Graves Floral Celebrates their 100th Anniversary!


    Busch Florist
    Patriot's Day at Busch's Florist & Greenhouse in Jefferson City, MO.  Tom Butler, Chairman of Teleflora, Melanie Blunt, First Lady of Missouri and John Pelzer, owner of Busch's Florist & Greenhouse cut the ribbon for Busch's Grand Re-Opening and Patriot's Day Celebration. 

    Jarrell Family 
    Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the day that Jimmie Jarrell won the AFS Million Dollar Sweepstakes!



    Allen Flower Shop
    Tom Butler's presentation to Allen Flower & Gift Shop, Allen, TX for their 35th anniversary. L-R: Ginger Collier, daughter of Jim & Carolyn Kerr and owner of Flower Time in Corinth, TX; Jim & Carolyn Kerr, Allen Flower & Gift Shop, Allen, TX and Tom Butler, Chairman of Teleflora.  


    Flip Perry and Lisa Rothe of Robertson's of Philadelphia, PA


    Plaza Flowers
    Chris Drummond and Heather Tuckey of Plaza Flowers, Norristown, PA  
      Pennys Flowers
    Bob & Dottie Pannepacker of Penny's Flowers, Glenside, PA 

     Drew & Scott Kremp with Tom Butler, Charles Kremp Florist, Willow Grove, PA



      Tom 37
     Dwight Larimer, Design Master Color Tool receives WF&FSA's 2007 Leland T. Kintzele Distinguished Service Award at the WF&FSA Annual Convention & Expo 2007 in Phoenix. L-R: Peter Moran, Society of American Florists; Bob Billings, Pennock Company; Dwight Larimer, Design Master Color Tool; Dave Gaul, DWF and Tom Butler, Teleflora.

    Tom 36
    Precious Memories, Temple, TX receives WF&FSA's 2007 National Retailer of the Year.  L-R: Lee Fischer, Bill Doran Wholesale, Austin, TX; Becky Lee, Temple, TX; Norman Lee, Precious Memories, Temple, TX; Seleese Thompson, owner of Precious Memories, Temple, TX; Reeneea Schraeder, Temple, TX; Bill La Fever, President, Bill Doran Wholesale and Tom Butler, Chairman of Teleflora.
      Tom 34
    Unit President's Meeting in January 2007
    L-R: Rich Salvaggio, VP Industry Relations; Tim Farrell, Northeast Regional Unit Director, Monica Theberge, Maine Unit; Trudy Abood, New Hampshire-Vermont Unit; Marcia Kettle, New England Unit; Bill Cusano, Connecticut Unit. 

    Tom 29
    Unit President's Meeting in January 2007
    L-R: Back row: Donita Toquinto, Western Regional Unit Director; BJ Dyer, Rocky Mountain Unit; Darla Seale, Oregon-SW Washington Unit; Cathy Sheehan, Washington State-Puget Sound Unit; Juan Tracy, Idaho-Utah Unit and Doug Verser, So. California-Nevada Unit.
    Front row: Elizabeth Seiji, LA Coastal Counties Unit; Debbie Snyder, Montana Big Sky Unit; and Rachelle Nyswonger, No. California-Nevada Unit 
      Tom 30
    Unit President's Meeting in January 2007
    L-R: Rich Salvaggio, VP Industry Relations; Tim Farrell, Northeast Regional Director; Bill Cusano, Connecticut Unit; Trudy Abood, New Hampshire-Vermon Unit; Marcia Kettle, New England Unit and Tom Butler, Chairman.  

    Tom 31
    Unit President's Meeting in January 2007
    L-R: Glenn Oswalt, AMF, Arkansas Unit; Marcia Kettle, New England Unit; Dee Otto, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Unit and Tom Butler, TF Chairman - All are Dove POS Users
      Tom 33
    L-R: Rich Salvaggio, Teleflora VP Industry Relations, Shawn Weidmann, Teleflora President, Sheryl Frazier, Michigan Teleflora Unit President, winner of the National Achievement Award and Tom Butler, Teleflora Chairman. Sheryl is with Flowers by Aunt Sheryl in Corunna, MI. 

    Tom 28
     L-R: Bruce Anderson, Corey Anderson(baby); Pam Anderson; George Anderson; Lyle Anderson (grandmother) of Moehring-Woods Flowers in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI and Tom Butler, Teleflora Chairman during shop call in December, 2006.
      Tom 27
    L-R: Mark Freeman, Kathy Petz, Jon Anthony of Jon Anthony Florist, Lansing, MI and Tom Butler. Jon Anthony Florist opened the shop in 1941 and celebrated their 65th year in business in 2006. 

    Tom 26
    Linh Kostamo, new owner of Belen's Flowers, Lansing, MI with Teleflora Chairman, Tom Butler.
      Tom 25
    L-R: Charlie Smith of Smith Floral and Greenhouses, Lansing, MI; Kathy Petz, TF M/C Emeritus and Tom Butler, TF Chairman during shop visit 12/13/06.  

     Tom 22 
    Mary Brown of Oops a Daisy Flower Company in Indiatlantic, FL, June 2006 Florist Design Challenge Winner with Tom Butler, Chairman of Teleflora.
      Tom 24
    50th Anniversary Celebration Karin's Flowers, Vienna, VA.  L-R: Bill Dukas, Founder; Maris Angolia, Vice President; George Dukas, President and Tom Butler, Chairman of Teleflora 

     Tom 19
    New Teleflora Marketing Counselors - training in Oklahoma City with Tom Eells. L-R: Tim Eells, Alan Marshall, Todd Wilcox and Don Ball with Tom Butler.
       Tom 21
    Tommy Bright Award - Rich Salvaggio and Tom Butler with Kirk Pamper, AIFD, winner of the Tommy Bright Award at the 2006 SAF Convention.

    Tom 20-2
    SAF Convention - L-R: Jack Howard, VP TF; Nancy Etcoff, PhD, author of Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty; and Tom Butler, Chairman of TF at SAF Convention in Naples, FL
       Tom 18
    Floral Management's 2006 Marketer of the Year
    L-R: Mark Freeman, TF RVP; Jack Howard, TF VP, Sales; Skip Shipman, Brenda's House of Flowers, Woodstock, GA and Tom Butler, Chairman TF

     Tom 16
    2006 WTNM Convention, Lubbock, TX - L-R: Rebecca Reynolds, Decorators Floral & Gifts, Muleshoe, TX, new Dove POS user; Roger Donnelson, The Florist Shope & Gifts, Almogordo, NM; Jane Terrell, Ruidoso Flower Shop, Ruidoso, NM, President of WTNM; Tom Butler, Chairman, Teleflora.

    Tom 14
    L-R: Marie Ackerman, VP Education, Teleflora; Andy Graham; Pam Allen, design contest winner; Rick Graham; Harry Graham, all from Kuhn Flowers, Jacksonville, FL and Tom Butler, Chairman, Teleflora.


     Tom 13
    Tom Butler presents Bill Furst of Furst The Florist a plaque recognizing their 100th year in business.
      Tom 15
    L-R: Judy Dorsey, Teleflora; Doug Liedtke & Kara Jean Liedtke Yell of J & E Wholesale Floral, Amarillo, TX; Tom Butler, Chairman, Teleflora. Kara Jean received the 2006 Silver Rose Award and Florist of the Year. 


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