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  • Teleflora's Gift Card Program

    Teleflora is pleased to offer a new electronic gift card solution to our member florists. Designed to operate on the Vx570 credit card terminal, the program is easy to use and available to any florist processing their credit cards with Teleflora. Increasingly popular among consumers, gift cards are a great way for you to increase sales, market your business, and generate repeat customers. And with no monthly fees or transaction fees, it's an affordable solution for anyone wanting to offer gift cards.

    gift cards 

     Benefits of Teleflora's Gift card program 

    Complete startup package  

    Except for the terminal, the Teleflora JumpStart package includes everything you need to get started:

    • 100 gift cards (25 each of 4 Teleflora custom designs)   
    • 100 card hangers
    • 1 spinning display rack
    • 1 window cling
    • 5 buttons
    • Full merchant support
    • 24/7 online access to merchant reports


     CH 5     SCS 
    Spinning rack     Window cling


    Low startup cost 

    With no monthly fee or transaction fees, you can start offering gift cards with one initial payment of $225 plus shipping.  There are no additional hidden fees or obligations.

    Fast merchant setup 

    Shipment of initial card orders within as little as 10 days, and you can reorder additional cards at any time.

    How does a Gift Card work?
    Credit-card-style, plastic cards are used in place of paper gift certificates.  Gift cards are generally treated like a retail product and are merchandised at the point of sale with a variety of countertop displays.  Customers purchase gift cards in any dollar amount using cash, check or credit card.  The amount of the "gift"value is loaded and stored on the host database by swiping the card's magnetic stripe through the terminal.  The balance declines as the card is used but may be reloaded at any time.

    Why have gift cards become so popular? 

    • Cards have more perceived value than paper certificates or coupons
    • Cards provide a more personal gift than cash without requiring the giver to select a specific item
    • Cards are easy to buy, easy to give, easy to carry and easy to use

    Why sell gift cards? 

    • Increased sales - Gift cards outsell paper certificates by 20% - 500% resulting in increased sales and higher average ticket amounts.
    • Customers spend more - 55% of customers spend more money than the value of their card.
    • Build brand identity - A gift card displaying a shop's name is a walking advertisement.  Every time a customer opens their wallet, they'll see the customized card and be reminded of your shop.
    • Create customer loyalty - Customers will go out of their way to shop at a store where they have a gift card, even if a closer merchant exists, if they have unused value on the gift card.  And since the card retains any unused balance, the customer must return to your shop to use remaining funds.
    • Easier recordkeeping - Unlike the manual process of issuing and redeeming paper gift certificates, every gift card transaction is recorded electronically at the point of sale.  You'll have access to a complete suite of reports providing key details on card issuance and redemption.
    • Market your business - Gift cards are great promotional tools.  For example, increase sales by offering a free $10 gift card with each purchase over $100 or offer a 5% discount on all gift card purchases.  Not only will these offers generate customer interest and excitement, but you guarantee the customer returns to your shop for their next floral purchase.

    Sign up today!  Click here for the merchant setup form.  To view and print the program overview, click here

    Questions? Click here for frequently asked questions about Teleflora's gift card program, or call 800.421.2815.

    Download the Credit Card Service Agreement here. 

    To read the Teleflora Electronic Credit Card Processing Services Agreement, click here

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