In 2015, Teleflora established the Tom Butler “Floral Retailer of the Year” Award to honor Tom Butler, Teleflora’s former Chairman. Tom led Teleflora in its mission to serve as a trusted business partner, friend, and innovator to independent
retail florists across the U.S. and Canada. |
For nearly 50 years, he dedicated his life to the floral industry with incredible passion and dedication.
Each year, the Tom Butler “Floral Retailer of the Year” Award recognizes a Teleflora Member florist who truly embodies
his legacy. In addition to running a first-class retail operation, award winners show the highest level of commitment and service to their local community, are dedicated ambassadors to the floral industry and provide leadership and
guidance to fellow florists.
Nominate a Teleflora member to be considered for the Tom Butler Floral Retailer of the Year Award!
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