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  • Oklahoma Education Center

    Marie Ackerman 2012

    Some thoughts from 
    Marie Ackerman AIFD PFCI AAF
    Teleflora's Vice President of Education

    What I hear...    

    The Teleflora Education Center was started in 1984, 32 years ago. One thing has remained true all these years: You get an amazing amount of information when you invest your time here. Florists who attend classes at the Teleflora Education Center call back after they return home and tell me they can’t believe how much they learned in the time spent here. We strive to jam-pack each day with experiences, exercises and discussions that are inspiring and thought provoking! And we sprinkle in a bit of fun, too!

    We know the investment of time and money to attend a class is one you don’t take lightly. We also feel a great responsibility to give you everything you came to class for – plus a little bit more. We also know that the opportunity to network with other florists and make friends is as valuable as a sharp design knife.

    Our team of educators are the most experienced teachers in the floral industry. They approach each assignment mindful of how to break down a design step-by-step so new ideas are easier to comprehend and master. They are also excellent coaches – giving you individualized feedback and reinforcement to enhance your skills. Your growth as a designer depends on knowing what your strengths are – but also where you can improve.

    Our 32nd year promises to be an exciting one! We have classes that can help you increase your efficiency and your profits!

    Won't you join us?

    2016 Education Center Class Schedule >>

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