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  • Jerome Raska AIFD | AAF | PFCI | CF 

    Blumz by JRDesigns
    Ferndale, Michigan


    Jerome Raska

    Jerome Raska AIFD, AAF, PFCI, CF is co-owner of two retail floral and event operations in Metro Detroit. Jerome, having been in the floral industry for over 25 years, was previously a general manager of a high volume multi-location floral operation and now shares his design and business experience with florists, garden clubs, and suppliers across the country as a consultant and Teleflora Education Specialist. His enthusiasm and sense of humor compliment his love for the floral industry and his desire to help others succeed.

    Jerome currently serves as Chairman of the Professional Floral Communicators International (PFCI), is Vice President of meetings and education for the Metro Detroit chapter of the International Special Events Society (ISES), is Chairman of the Board of his local Chamber of Commerce as well as many committees for other local civic and community organizations. He is a past president of the Michigan Unit of Teleflora as well as past president of the North Central Chapter of the American Institute of Floral Designers and the Michigan Floral Association.

    Having served on product development teams for manufacturers, Jerome stays on the forefront of trends in the industry. He has received many accolades for his originality, innovative ideas and design talents and continues to share with audiences across America. Recently, he was named Designer of the Year by the National Alliance of Floral Associations. Highly regarded among his peers, his designs and feature stories have appeared in Florist’s Review, Florist’s Magazine, Flowers& magazine, and Michigan Florist Magazine.

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