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  • Newspaper Editors Are Waiting for Your Press Release

    The Retail Florist

    Mktg ExtraThat's right. They are waiting for press releases. Newspaper editors have a lot of editorial space to fill on a daily basis. They bank on press releases to fill gaps.

    Here's what a printed press release does for your business:

    • Exposure - A newspaper article gives you and your company name recognition with the public.
    • Credibility - A newspaper story is more believable than an ad.
    • Image - A news story can create a positive public image.
    • Unique - News coverage sets you and your company apart from the competitors.
    • Best of all, it's FREE.

    Writing press releases that get published is easier than you think. The following tips will help you make the news.

    • Put the most important facts first. Press releases should include the 5 W's & the H - Who, What, Where, When, Why and How.
    • Submit press releases in a timely manner. Send news releases prior to the event or just after the event. Editors are looking for "news," not dated information.
    • Just the facts ma'am. Include facts, not editorials or flowery prose. Read your local paper and familiarize yourself with its writing style.
    • Get an Associated Press Stylebook and use it. The AP Stylebook is the grammar-bible followed by most newspapers.
    • Give your release a local angle.
    • Include a good photograph with a photo caption. A good photograph increases the possibility of being printed by 80 percent. Be sure to include a photo caption on the back of the photograph. Correctly identify all the people who appear in the picture.
    • Always include a contact person and phone number. The editor may want to expand your press release into an even bigger story.
    • Quote yourself. People want to know what the expert thinks. And you are the local floral expert.
    • Mail your press release to the editor. Don't fax your press release.
    • Don't call the editor to ask if your release is going to be printed or why it wasn't printed. The editor is your gateway to free publicity. Don't pester.
    • Always submit your press release on your company letterhead.


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