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  • What Kind of Manager Are You?

    Ever wondered what kind of managerial style best suits you? A school of thought contends that there are two main types of managers: people managers and project managers.

    Knowing which one you more closely resemble can give you insight as to how to be more efficient and effective when dealing with your employees and running your shop.

    Whether you're a people manager, a project manager or a combination of both, by understanding your strengths and weaknesses you can improve your leadership skills and interpersonal relationships.

    People Managers

    They seek ways to involve employees in decision making. Exercising goodwill toward others, they are also tough-minded and persistent. They tend to be reactive to problems and decide on goals based on necessity rather than personal or professional achievement.

    People managers enjoy working with others and don't like to be involved in solitary activities. It's important to them that others get along and feel part of a group. Focusing on how to get things done as peacefully and productively as possible, they maintain control while paying attention to the balance of power among the employees. They make sure that everyone feels valued for their work. They are social creatures and thrive on the interplay between employees and customers.

    While they are good at seeing the strengths and weaknesses in employees and motivating them to do their best work, people managers tend not to be as good at foreseeing trouble, setting goals or instigating sweeping change.

    Project Managers

    These people love to lead and stay ahead of the pack. They're perfectly happy to work alone and are often labeled "temperamental artists." Goal-oriented, they can envision where they want to be or which direction they want to take their business, and steer the course. They're risk-takers, preferring to shape their own ideas rather than work in collaboration.

    Because they're highly creative they can develop new approaches to problems or obstacles and motivate others to bend to their will. They relate to people on a more superficial level. Therefore, they can cause dissension, chaos and turbulence among employees by not taking the time to explain their visions or to seek other viewpoints.

    They're loners, clinging to their sense of self. While they might work in many organizations or serve on many committees, they never belong to any of them.

    Masters at stirring emotions, raising expectations and goading people toward new directions, these managers often suffer from preoccupation and lack of empathy or understanding. They are so focused on what they want and what they see in the future, they lose sight of the needs and dreams of others.




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