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  • Wedding Protocol: Keeping Everyone on the Right Track

    Floral Finance®

    Traditions and protocols surround the wedding. Two people are becoming one. Two families are joining to create an entirely new family.

    It's a wondrous and important event. The family, after all, is the most basic and most critical unit of our society. The wedding is both celebration and ceremony.

    Every part of the wedding needs to be handled well - handled "by the book," so to speak.

    Good Marketing - Good Service

    Use a checklist to remind your wedding customers of their traditional responsibilities.

    The list can be a great way to bring in new wedding business. Give a copy to everyone who inquires about wedding flowers. In your advertising, invite anyone who wants a checklist to stop by and pick one up. Make sure each copy you hand out has your shop's name, address, and telephone number prominently displayed.

    It is highly likely that every person who takes a copy of the checklist will keep it and refer to it often. The resulting publicity for your shop will be tremendous.

    Promote Your Products & Services

    Let wedding customers know that you are experienced in providing flowers and decorations to cover all their needs - from the beginning to the end.

    And emphasize your flexibility. Brides and grooms want the freedom to express their individual taste and creativity. Make sure they know you can adapt almost any traditional idea to make the special day their special day.

    Use your expertise to help the bride-to-be think through the various decisions that have to be made. Any help you offer on the overall picture will increase the customer's confidence in your ability to provide outstanding wedding flowers and services.


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