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  • Service with a Smile
    Robb Fleming, Alexander's Floral, Kansas City, Mo.

    According to Robb Fleming, there can't be too many ways to enhance customer service. "No matter how I feel, no matter how busy I am," he said, "any customer entering my shop deserves my best service. Otherwise, how will I stay in business?"

    Quick attention inside the store is just one of many methods Robb uses to enhance customer service. Periodically, he chooses a customer at random to send an arrangement with a note, "Thank you for your business."

    Frequent-buyer plans at Alexander's allow customers to receive a free arrangement after a certain number of purchases. Another way for customers to receive a complimentary arrangement is to recycle 10 vases received from the shop. Robb uses the vases for kids' projects during his shop's Saturday Art Day.

    Alexander's is knows in the city for its gatherings and exciting, fun-filled, open houses. Past themes for open house events range from a Hawaiian Luau (complete with a mock wedding) to an art gallery showing (with a stretch-limo out front). "We have a real party," Robb said. "Even media people want to attend."

    It's Robb's feeling that such creative endeavors keep the staff energized and prevent burnout. At the same time, they draw customers and keep them coming back. As Robb pointed out, "We have the privilege of putting smiles on people's faces 365 days a year."

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