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  • Focusing on Family

    The Retail Florist

    Juggling work and family has become commonplace in today's world. Current statistics indicate that 70 percent of mothers with children under 18 are employed, a number that is likely to rise in the future. For many working parents, it's difficult to find a balance between family and career.

    What can you do to become a more family-friendly employer? Begin by talking with your employees about specific needs they have. Keep in mind that employees in different situations will likely have different concerns. For example, parents may care more about childcare options, while other employees may be interested in flexible hours or eldercare solutions.

    Flexible scheduling is likely to be the most appreciated benefit that you can offer. Options such as part-time hours and variable work schedules can help your employees manage both their work life and home life. Job sharing, where two part-timers do the work of one full-time employee, is another option to consider.

    For many working parents, quality childcare is a top concern. By making a few calls to childcare providers, you can help parents examine their options. An added benefit is that you will have a list of care providers if emergency childcare needs ever arise.

    Family-friendly policies will pay off for you as well. Happier employees typically mean happier customers. The staff will provide better service with improved attitudes.

    An added bonus? Workers with access to family-friendly benefits are likely to have a higher level of company commitment.


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