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  • Direct Mail

    Direct Mail Use ItFrom the largest shop to the smallest, direct mail can be an effective way to bring customers into your shop. Professionally designed direct mail pieces can help establish a good relationship with both current and future customers by encouraging them to think of your shop the next time they order flowers. Direct mail lets customers know you are there and the type of services you offer. Throw in a discount on a direct mail piece with an expiration date to create an immediate response.

    Once is not enough.

    Your direct mail campaign works best if it includes multiple contacts with your target audience. It takes repetition to get your message across. Create a campaign that includes both "awareness" pieces and "response" pieces.

    Cost-effective Strategy

    An "awareness piece" is designed to let potential customers know you are serving the community. A postcard featuring an arrangement you sell, along with your shop name, address and phone number, is a cost-effective means of building awareness. A "response piece" solicits some type of action from the customer. From an invitation to an open house or notice of an in-shop special to catalogs featuring arrangements and pricing, your goal is to coax the customer to visit or call your shop.

    Awareness and Response

    By sending "awareness" and "response" messages, you create the greatest probability that your message will influence your customer to select your shop for their next purchase.

    Where do I get a professional-looking direct mail piece?

    Direct mail is similar to the flowers you deliver. If the direct mail piece is poorly written and designed, it will affect the trust customers place in your shop ¬ just as that trust is enhanced when they receive a beautiful floral delivery. Your local marketing or public relations firm can help write and design a direct mail campaign. However, keeping a consultant firm on retainer may not prove to be cost effective.

    Big Impact, Lower Costs

    Don°t be discouraged. There are cost-effective alternatives that should fit into your marketing budget. Preprinted direct mail pieces (postcards, customized catalogs, brochures) are available for purchase. And they usually allow you to personalize them with your shop information.



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