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  • Customer Referrals

    Every shop owner understands the value of "word of mouth" referrals from current customers. What too few florists know is how to stimulate these referrals.

    It is as easy as asking - but timing is critical. Anytime you receive positive feedback from a customer is a good time to ask him or her if they know anyone else who needs a good florist. Help them by suggesting events their friends might be hosting such as parties or weddings.

    Train your salespeople to ask customers for referrals when they close a sale. When the sale has just been completed, customers are on an emotional high with positive expectations for your shop. Asking that customer for a referral is also good because it can reinforce their confidence in your shop and your products. Ask the person making the referral if you can use their name when you call.

    Find out as much as possible about the referral. Then you can actively promote your shop to that person in order to get additional business. The more you understand a potential customer, the more likely you are to make a sale.

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