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  • Tom Bowling AIFD | PFCI 

    Education & Marketing Director
    Fitz Design
    Fairfield, Ohio


    Tom Bowling

    Tom Bowling AIFD, PFCI is now in his 32nd year in the floral industry.He has a background in owning his own retail business for 20 years, working in the floral wholesale business, is a consultant for some major industry growers, and is head of Education and Marketing for Fitz Design.

    Tom holds a Bachelor’s degree from Eastern Kentucky University and a Master’s of Education from Miami University of Ohio.

    Tom is a member of the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) and currently serves as President. He is also a member of Professional Floral Communicators International (PFCI), the Society of American Florists (SAF) and numerous state and allied associations.

    Tom has been a featured main stage presenter twice for AIFD’s national symposium. His floral career also includes working as assistant floral director for the Academy Awards for 15 years as well as the Pasadena Tournament of Roses parade. Tom writes a weekly internet article for Florabundance, Inc., is creative consultant for Continental Floral Greens in San Antonio, Texas, and Ocean View Flowers in Lompoc, California. He has designed and commentated at numerous local, regional, and national floral events, having designed for presidential inaugurations as well as many society events around the country. He serves on several advisory boards for floral related products and his work is often seen in Flowers& and Flowers and Profits. He is a member of Teleflora’s acclaimed Education Specialist Team.

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