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  • Joyce Mason-Monheim AIFD | CFD | PFCI | AzMF 

    Designer Destination
    Tucson, Arizona


    Joyce Mason-Monheim

    Joyce Mason-Monheim AIFD, PFCI, AzMF has been actively involved in the floral industry for over 35 years. As a past president of Teleflora’s Arizona Unit, Arizona State Florists’ Association, and the Southwest Region of AIFD, she has been instrumental in organizing educational programs throughout the southwest.

    Joyce is currently the chairperson of the National Membership Committee for the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) and sits on their National Board of Directors. She is a member of the Professional Floral Communicators International (PFCI), is a Certified Floral Designer (CFD), and is an Arizona Master Florist (AzMF).

    Joyce has designed and commentated at numerous design programs for wholesalers, state and allied floral associations across the country and internationally. She is regarded as one of the most noteworthy designers and educators and has received many accolades for her innovative ideas and design talents, having won numerous design awards. She was a competitor in the 2011 Intercontinental Design Cup in Taipei, Taiwan and has designed for the Rose Parade, the 2001 Bush Inauguration and the 2002 AIFD National Symposium

    Joyce’s work has appeared in international trade magazines including Bloom World and has been featured numerous times in Flowers& magazine. She has demonstrated her talents in the Teleflora Wedding Selection Guide, the Teleflora Selection Guide the John Henry Wedding and Sympathy Books and Martha Stewart Weddings. Joyce is a member of Teleflora’s prestigious team of Education Specialists.

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