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  • Floralapp from eFlorist

    Every month, nearly one-third of mobile consumers use their phone to search for local businesses. It’s estimated that 19% look for local business on their phone at least once a week. The rise of web-enabled smartphones and tablets has allowed consumers to do pretty much everything online, no matter where they are. 

    Your eFlorist site already offers a mobile-optimized site for customers who wish to browse or shop on their phone. Now, you can offer your customers a mobile app. 

    Teleflora has partnered with the makers of Floralapp to offer this exclusively to eFlorist members. Floralapp from eFlorist is the only product of its kind and allows shops to offer a customized app to your customers. Your shop’s Floralapp is tied to your eFlorist website, so it’s loaded with your products and categories. The best part: You can manage it using eSAT, the eFlorist Self Administration Tool. 

    Finding a company to develop, create and manage a mobile app for your shop can cost thousands of dollars, and it won’t connect to your website or POS system. Not only that, you’d have to choose between offering it for iPhone or Android, or pay extra to create both. 

    With Teleflora, you can enjoy a customizable app that’s yours and yours alone for $19.99 a month and you don’t have to choose between systems. Floralapp from eFlorist is essentially two apps in one and is available for both iPhone and Android users. 



    • Gives customers an additional shopping channel that’s portable and free to use. 
    • You have the ability to create special perks, like unique products and discounts, just for app users. 
    • Manage your Floralapp the same way you manage your full-size and mobile sites: using eSAT or by calling eFlorist Support. 
    • Consumers can pay using PayPal or any credit card you accept on your eFlorist site. 
    • App orders are 100% orders and come through your Dove just like any other eFlorist order.  



    • Shops who add the Floralapp to their membership package will pay an additional $19.99 per month. 
    • Normal eFlorist transaction fees apply to each order. 

     Other services can charge thousands of dollars to set up one mobile app, plus a monthly fee to maintain it. With eFlorist you get TWO apps for the price of one!  


     Floralapp Marketing Kit  

    • Order a Floralapp Marketing Kit from an eFlorist support member. The kit is $50 and contains one 11"x17" poster,  one 8.5"x11" counter mat insert, 500 4"x6" postcards, and 500 2"x3" enclosure cards with your 7 digit Floralapp code printed on each.
    • You can also download these files and print them out on your own, or take the files to a local printer and have them printed professionally. The PDF files for the postcard and enclosure card are set up for use with Avery perforated templates, so you don't have to worry about setting up margins on your printer.
          Poster | Counter Mat Insert | Postcard | Enclosure Card 

    Looking for tips to promote you Floralapp? 10 ways to promote your Floralapp here > 

    Frequently Asked Questions 

    Why is eFlorist launching a mobile app? Nowadays, people don’t go anywhere without their mobile phones, and a growing majority of those phones are web-enabled. We at eFlorist want you to have unlimited access to your customers, and having an app for your shop means you can reach consumers no matter where they are. The benefit for your customers is that they don’t have to search for a florist the next time they want to send flowers. They simply click on the app and start ordering from you, their shop of choice! 

    When will this happen? Floralapp from eFlorist is currently available to eFlorist members.  

    How much will it cost? Only $19.99 a month! Your current eFlorist transaction fees will apply to orders placed through Floralapp. 

    What kind of phone can download the app? Apps are primarily developed for iPhone and Android users. With Floralapp from eFlorist, your shop gets both, so you’re getting 2 apps for the price of 1! We have a version for each operating system available through their respective app stores. iPhone users will be directed to iTunes to download the app, and Android users will be directed to Google’s Play Store. 

    Is it true that Floralapp only accepts PayPal? In the past, Floralapp users were limited to accepting PayPal for orders. Floralapp from eFlorist accepts the same credit cards you currently accept on your eFlorist site. If you process credit cards through your eFlorist site or Teleflora POS, those transaction fees will apply as usual. 

    Can I put all of my products and categories on my mobile site? To make the most efficient use of small mobile device screens, we recommend limiting your selection of products and categories. Too many products can overwhelm the small screen. This includes custom products and categories. To update the products and categories displayed on your mobile app, you can use eSAT the same way you use it to manage your full-size and mobile-optimized sites. You may also contact eFlorist Support at 866.983.3932 or 

    Should my Floralapp selection match my full-size eFlorist site? The short answer: Probably not. Floralapp is designed not only for a different display, but a different user. App users are more likely to have purchased from your shop at least once. Floralapp from eFlorist is designed to retain those customers, by giving them another convenient way to shop. We recommend tailoring your app offerings to match their tastes and habits. 

    What can I do with Floralapp that’s different from my website? Floralapp from eFlorist is more than an easy way to shop; it’s a way to build loyalty. Think about how many of your customers found you: By running a search online. Now imagine that after they shop from your site, they download your app. The next time they want to send flowers, instead of searching, they go straight to the app on their phone and straight to your shop. Floralapp from eFlorist is easy to use and gives you a new way to communicate with your best customers. You can also display offers exclusively for app users. 

    What if I have a custom site? Apps are designed for use on small mobile screens, so much of the look of your full-size site will not carry over into your app. Your mobile logo, however, will be used on your app. 

    What if I don’t want Floralapp from eFlorist? Floralapp from eFlorist is an optional subscription. You can add it to your existing membership, but if you don’t want to offer your customers an additional convenient way to shop, you may opt out of the service.  

    How do I promote it to my customers? Online banners and information to display on your site are available for free. eFlorist also offers print materials you can order for use in your store. A poster, counter mat insert and cards are available to order for a fee. These materials will have a QR code customers can scan to download the app, as well as a special code that ties their app to your shop. 

    Does it cost my customers anything to use? No, downloading and using Floralapp from eFlorist is free for consumers. 

    Why do I need a mobile app? A dedicated app makes shopping easier for your customers, and helps prevent them from searching for a new florist the next time they want to order flowers. 

    How is this different from my mobile eFlorist site? Mobile eFlorist sites are optimized to display on phone screens. Customers can use either your mobile-optimized site or your app to shop. Some customers prefer apps to mobile sites, and vice versa, so we’re giving you both. The more options your customers have, the better! 

    How do I know if people are downloading it or using it? Orders through Floralapp will come through your Dove system the same eFlorist orders come in. You’ll be able to see all your downloads and orders in the Reports section of eSAT, the eFlorist Self Administration Tool. 

    Who can I call for questions? As with other eFlorist technology, you can contact our eFlorist Support team for information and assistance. We can make changes to the products and categories displayed in your app as easily as to your full-size and mobile-optimized sites. 

    Why isn’t this available in Canada? Floralapp from eFlorist will be offered in Canada as soon as it’s feasible. 

    How do I know what my access code is? Your shop is assigned a unique code based on your local phone number. That code will be written on your marketing materials and will be posted to your eFlorist website for customers to use. 

    Can I review my Floralapp downloads and orders? Yes! Reports and statistics will be available through eSAT. We encourage you to login to view your results. 

    What if I already have an app? If you already have an app developed for your own shop, you are welcome to continue to use it. You can keep it in addition to Floralapp from eFlorist. 

    I’m in a promotional period with my eFlorist site, so Teleflora is giving me a free website. Can I still participate? Yes! We will honor the promotional offer until it expires. The only difference will be that your monthly fee will increase by $19.99 for Floralapp.

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