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  • Alex Jackson AIFD | PFCI 

    Veldkamp's Flowers

    Lakewood, Colorado


    Bert Ford

    A talented floral artist, Alex started working in a retail flower shop at age 17 by cleaning buckets, processing flowers and delivering bouquets. He has managed the retail operations for a 10 location chain of flower shops in Scottsdale, Arizona as well as the wholesale operations for a florist in Phoenix, Arizona. He is proud to be the Vice President and General Manager of Veldkamp’s Flowers in Denver, Colorado.

    Alex has presented programs throughout the United States. His presentations often include wedding bouquets, party centerpieces and clever, large scale event designs. He also enjoys teaching garden club audiences how to incorporate flowers into everyday life and to appreciate flowers. His original every day, holiday and wedding design work has appeared in Teleflora’s Flowers& magazine. His design work has been featured at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles and the White House in Washington, D.C.

    Alex is a member of the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD), the Professional Floral Communicators International (PFCI) and the American Academy of Floriculture (AAF).

    Alex graduated from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix with a bachelor’s degree in secondary education. He is a proud member of the Teleflora Education Specialist team.

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