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  • Add-A-Rose Campaign
    Blake Mobley, Zeidler Florist, Evansville, Indiana

    Three years ago, Blake hit on the idea of what he calls the "Add-A-Rose" sales feature. For three dollars, a customer can add a rose to any arrangement. The roses add more value to each featured arrangement or bouquet and generate more income for the shop.

    Blake uses a lot of Classy roses — a variety that has a tendency to break about 6" to 12" from the head. Rather than use broken Classy roses for corsage work, for which there is limited demand, or throwing them away, Blake began using them as add-on items in the Add-A-Rose arrangements. Other roses that arrive broken or damaged in shipment are also used in this manner.

    To build enthusiasm and sales, Blake offers a commission for the sales staff and conducts contests. Sales associates earn 25 cents for each Add-A-Rose they sell. The sales period top sellers win gift certificates or cash as first, second and third prizes.

    "With the extra incentive for the salespeople," Blake said, "we've sold hundreds of Add-A-Rose specials, and have found a good use for broken-stemmed roses, while giving customers a great value."

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