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  • Billboard Advertising

    The Retail Florist

    Although often overlooked as a potential form of advertising for flower shops, billboard advertising offers clear benefits and can deliver positive results.

    Outdoor billboard advertising hits consumers where they spend so much of their time — in the car.

    Because billboard advertising involves real estate, location drives prices. To billboard companies, "prime location" means busy intersections and heavily traveled roadways where one can market to the masses.

    A typical flower shop might have a slightly different perspective. You might opt for a locale that is likely to attract customers in which your shop specializes. With this approach, your placement may be both economical and effective.

    When designing a billboard, follow this rule: Keep your message short (strive for 5 words or less in the main message) and your design uncluttered.

    Because your audience will most likely be in moving vehicles, you need to make sure they are able to see, read and think about your ad in a few seconds. Make your phone number and location big and bold. If you have a website address, be sure to include it on the billboard.


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