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  • Meet the Chairman

    Chairman, Teleflora

    Tom ButlerTom Butler is Chairman of Teleflora, the world’s leading flower product and service company. He leads Teleflora in its mission to serve as a trusted business partner, friend and innovator to independent retail florists.

    With nearly 40 years experience in the floral business, the last 20 with Teleflora, Tom is widely considered the preeminent industry authority. Tom’s role as Chairman is broad in scope, reaching all Teleflora employees across three primary U.S. locations, and thousands of florists around the nation and worldwide every year. Few can claim more insight and better understanding of the floral industry, and his ties run deeper than just business, having established many close personal relationships with florists around the nation. He is known by florists in all corners of the country, and is considered by many to be the ‘Chief Champion of Florists’ – always there when they need him, always understanding their issues and concerns and always representing their cause.

    Prior to joining Teleflora, Tom was president and chief executive officer of American Floral Services (AFS), a position he held for 15 years. Tom was instrumental in making the Teleflora/AFS merger the success that it has been, and has since then emerged as the backbone to the Teleflora family. Previously, Tom was with FTD where he held a variety of senior positions, including director of the company’s international division.

    Tom’s distinguished career includes many industry positions and accolades. Among them: Society of American Florists (Past Board of Directors); TI International (President); Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation (Board Member) Grow For Life, Breast Cancer Research & Education Foundation (Board Member) and OKC Chamber of Commerce (Economic Foundation Board Member). Member of American Academy of Floriculture (AAF); Wholesale Florists and Florists Suppliers of America; Roses Inc.; Columbia Flower Council; AIFD; other national and state associations. Recipient of the SAF Paul Ecke Jr. Award; Florida State Florists’ Association Hall of Fame Award; Michigan State Florists’ Association Award of National Industry Service and Arkansas State Florists’ Association Distinguished Service Award.

    Tom is from Detroit, Michigan and graduated from Sacred Heart Seminary. He now lives in Oklahoma City. He is the proud grandfather of two.


    Travels with Tom 2009  >>  
    Travels with Tom 2008  >>
    Travels with Tom 2006-2007 >> 




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