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    A Primer on using the Principles & Elements of Design  

    April 10-13, 2016
    Instructor: Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD PFCI

    Every floral artist wonders how their skills measure up to others. You may be at that point and have started competing in design contests or are seeking national certification of your talent in floral design. But, you’re still not sure if you really know the difference between commercial design and evaluated design. This class is designed for those who know the basics of design but are focused on achieving recognition by competing or being certified. Dozens of aspiring designers have taken this class over the last 5 years – and have gone on to compete or test successfully. It is a fast-paced class covering a wide range of subjects from excellently executed mechanics to forms, styles and the principles and elements of design. (Note: Not a beginner level class.)

    Kevin Ylvisaker   Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD PFCI, of Milwaukee, WI is a popular teacher at the Teleflora Education Center. Known for his entertaining, easy-going style and in depth design knowledge, Kevin has presented dazzling design and business programs all over the country as a Teleflora Education Specialist. 

    For more information click here or contact the Teleflora Education Center. Please include your name, shop name and phone number in your e-mail request.

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