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  • SMART Everyday Design

    October 9-12, 2016
    Instructor: Joyce Mason Monheim AIFD, PFCI

    Everyday designs do not need to be ho-hum! Your floral clients MUST be asking you to create breathtaking designs to delight their friends and family. Cultivate your creative design ideas to keep them coming back to you for their every floral need. Everyday business is primarily the occasion business – daily work with an added twist of fun or the unexpected. You will see design ideas with a creative twist for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Babies, get well, thank you and congratulations for women – the primary demographic target of most florists – but also for the guys who receive flowers. During hands-on workshops you will be challenged to use your creativity to complete assignments – and you’ll learn from everyone in the class!

    Joyce Mason Monheim  Joyce Mason-Monheim AIFD PFCI is a freelance educator from Tucson, AZ who has years of practical experience as a retail floral designer. She is a noted educator and expert on the fine art of design who has taught across the country to audiences of all sizes. She won the 2013 Sylvia Cup Design Competition at the SAF Convention and is the current National President of AIFD. 

    For more information click here or contact the Teleflora Education Center. Please include your name, shop name and phone number in your e-mail request.

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